Sunday 12 June 2011

Firms have a lot to learn from the Restaurant biz

I was out for a fairly snazzy lunch the other week, food was good but service was excellent, absolutely made the meal. Mrs Sumo raves about it, slags off other snazzy restaurants what she drags me to when she is sick of just having steaks. 

It dawned on me, while supping on a braised shin of beef, that the restaurant was not cheap, was closed on a weekend, had good food but on its own no better than a slew of other generic places and yet was full on a weekday afternoon, was booked for weeks in advance and had me thinking I would come back here. 

The service made it, attentive, knowledgeable staff, specialised in their tasks, friendly yet professional, immediately available yet not hassling you. That is the absolute blue print for any Law Firm. 

There is no excuse for a firm to fail. Study a top flight restaurant and apply it. It's a simple formula it just takes a bit of a culture shift and a realisation that you are providing service and it is not you who is important. 

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