Thursday, 2 September 2010

Tory view of Libertarian Doctrine

From Douglas Carswell
When examining a public policy problem, BBC reporters almost always appear to presume that state action is the solution.  Too many folk drinking too much booze?  New laws to decree minimum pricing for everyone, rather than existing laws to enforce individual responsibility.  And how many items on the Today programme boil down to a vested interest of some kind demanding state intervention or favour?  
I'm not entirely sure what the difference is in demanding that making new laws are bad on the basis that you could just the nice existing laws? It doesn't seem to be individual responsibility if you are forcing it with weight of Parliamentary decree. 

Either way the state/society seems to be stepping in to force some social engineering. Why can't you just leave people alone to do what they are going to do, let the barman decide if he wants dead people/drunken riots that wreck his pub and put him out of business. 

1 comment:

  1. "Why can't you just leave people alone to do what they are going to do, let the barman decide if he wants dead people/drunken riots that wreck his pub and put him out of business."

    Because too many people are making a damn good living out of being pecknifferous.
