Tuesday 12 January 2010

Fuck off you retard facist fucking postman fuck!

If like me you are prone to making huge mistakes and feeling like a grade A moron you will no doubt have advanced the idea that, the should have long ago been put out of it's misery, Nu Labour gaggle of thieves might be not quite as truly awful as it is under Mr Alan I look sensible but really it turns out I'm also a massive cunt Johnson.

Well, I hang my head in shame.

The BBC is carrying this fucking please vote for us we're a sort of cuddly BNP nonsense here.

The gist is that islam4uk some of the dumbest and most odious nutters ever to bank a dole cheque, who planned a protest march through wooton basset (where dead UK troops are repatriated), will be banned under counter-terrorism laws, by, Home Secretary Alan Johnson.

So I am now in the uncomfortable position of agreeing with mad man in chief anjem choudry who has quite rightly predicted that "What the people will see is if you don't agree with the government and you want to expose their foreign policy, then freedom quickly dissipates and turns into dictatorship"

Yeah, I'm sure this will counter radicalism and is not just a sop to try to convince voters that a vote for labour will bash foreigners.

However, in a shameless display of 'fuck the election the UK will get more of the same under blue labour' Shadow home secretary Chris Grayling has apparently welcomed the decision to ban Islam4UK.


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